Josie The Java Llamacorn


Josie Llamacorn Good


Josie has been eating, sleeping and breathing Java ever since she was a young llama living in the Southern Highlands of Peru. One day, Josie wrote a Java program so amazing that she was visited by the Java Oracle who gifted her a Unicorn horn. Ever since that day Josie has been part llama and part unicorn and her coding skills are now legendary. She has been gracious enough to associate with Code Cram and has much to offer anyone interested in learning anything about coding or Java.


Decipher This Llamacorn Method

Josie, loves coding challenges, puzzles and things that make you think hard. All Llamacorns can easily figure out what this method is doing..can you?


public void magicMethod() {
  // \u000d System.out.println("Llamacorn Power!!");


Josie the Java Llama Corn